Saturday, January 1, 2011

{new year}

Okay. so. I resolved to be a better "memory keeper" for our family this year - that's what mommys do, right? But, I'm already debating as to whether or not this is the best venue as it took half an hour for me to pick a name for our blog - why do these things have to be so complicated? I feel like blogger should just pick a name, and that's it, NO CHOICES FOR YOU!
About me: I'm indecisive - as clearly evidented in the struggle I had deciding upon a blog name, I'm a Mommy to 3 wonderful girls - ages K=6, S=3 and E=1, I'm engaged to my bestie - who loves his giwls (this is an S expression, she totally can't say her r's), I work full-time at a laaaaaaarge company - the company is fine, my department, however, is not. I feel like every day I set foot in that place, I die a little inside - more on this later. I try to be crafty - sometimes I am...other times, EPIC FAIL. I like to cook, bake and try new foods. I'm an aspiring photographer - I love taking pictures, but am working on learning the 'technical' sides of things. I love music, HBO (um, hello! Sopranos, SATC, BIG LOVE!!!), I am also kind of a hopefully this blog doesn't end up being neglected due to this.
This sounds like a good opener to me - so let's get this party started.

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